el Naaleh Torah Tutors: Our Tutors

Our Tutors

Mrs. Gitty Aschkenasy

Mrs. Gitty Aschkenasy has been teaching for the last ten years. She taught various topics in classes from 1st grade to post High School, such as running a teachers training course for an American Seminary, tutoring in Neve Yerushalaim with emphasize on understanding and writing Loshon Hakodesh and tutoring in american Seminaries, helping the girls to understand and learn meforshim and help them write presentations. Mrs. Aschkenasy was born and raised in Israel to English speaking parents and therefore has the advantage of speaking English as well as Hebrew on a mother-tounge level. She received her teaching diploma with emphasize on Jewish history and Tanach in Bnot Elisheva Seminary and her BEd. in Judaic studies in Michlelet Bayit Vegan.

Avrahom Berk

Avrahom Berk was born in 1969, and raised in Northbrook, Il and currently lives in the Old city of Jerusalem not far from the holy Wall. He has Smicha for the laws of Shabbos from Ohr L'Golah, along with a T'udah (Israeli teaching certificate), and is teaching at Bircas HaTorah Yeshiva, Old City Jerusalem. He has worked as a Gemora/Limudei Kodesh teacher for the 'Distant Learning Program" for over 12 years, and in the past ran an on-line kiruv-program directory for the Chicago area (including Torah info.,ex. a published article on "Tzedaka") The site was listed on the O-U Torah Education Network.

Rabbi Moshe Bursztyn

Rabbi Bursztyn lives in NJ and has been tutoring and teaching for over 16 years. His goal is to help the student really enjoy learning in and out of school, while absorbing the learning skills with a clarity and depth. His torah knowledge and endearing personality has made him a sought after tutor and teacher. Bringing out the potential of his student is what gives him the greatest satisfaction.

Nechama Cooper, M.Ed., R.N

Nechama Cooper has a Masters degree in education from National Louis University and a Nursing degree from Oakton College in Chicago. She has joined Naaleh Tutors with 20 years of teaching in Jewish day schools, Hebrew schools; mentoring for Jewish teens through NCSY; being an early childhood camp director in a Jewish day school; many years of providing enrichment and tutoring for both gifted and struggling students, one-on-one. Nechama and her husband, Tzvi, were blessed to make aliyah in 2022 from Chicago, Illinois to Ramat Bet Shemesh; and she currently teaches Hebrew and Judaic content remotely, for Manhattan JCC. She has many interests such as photography and graphic design, cooking, party planning, doula support work, traveling and spending time with her family. She is passionate about connecting with children on a level that impacts them in their respective daily lives and sharing her love for Yiddishkeit, personal experiences living in Israel and her fluency with the Hebrew language. She loves sharing her excitement and creativity with her students and incorporating meaningful lessons and stories to convey Jewish ideals and bringing Yiddishkeit alive.

Mrs. Malky Eisen

Mrs. Malky Eisen has taught for three years in Nefesh Academy High School (located in Brooklyn) Judaic Studies. Currently living In Jerusalem, Israel, she is working on completing her masters in mental health.

Rabbi Baruch Joffe

Rabbi Baruch Joffe was born in South Africa in 1969.He earned his B.A degree from Wits University in 1989, majoring in law and Industrial Psychology.He obtained his Semicha from the esteemed Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Golberg in 1997.He made Aliya in 2008 to R.B.S with his Wife Tanya and three children.Rabbi Joffe has many years of experience teaching limudei Kodesh formally in schools and tutoring boys privately, of various ages and abilities.Rabbi Joffe is also a qualified Narrative Therapist and has excellent communication skills.He has a good grasp of his students mindset, strengths and weaknesses in learning and guides them patiently to fulfill their full potential.

Rabbi Carmel Kehati

Rabbi Carmel Kehati has been an online tutor in Hebrew and Judaic subjects for many years. He has also providied companionship and supervision to invalids, through private-hiring employment. Besides raising his own children (as a married father) and teaching them each day (after school). Provided them with moral values and extensive knowledge, far beyond formal schooling. In the formal field of education he has been a member of a kollel in Zefat, as well as a teacher of Talmud, תנ''ך, history and hashkafa. And been on faculty in Shaarei Bina Seminary, Zefat 1990-1991 as a teacher of comprehensive Judaic subjects for women.

Aliza Kramer

Mrs. Aliza Kramer began tutoring Limudei Kodesh more than 40 years ago. She also facilitated EMETT (Emotional Maturity Established Through Torah) support groups, privately and through the Beitar Matnas, for women; and developed a program through which she taught the EMETT concepts to children. She currently teaches weekly classes for women on topics including Parsha, Emuna and Shmiras ha Loshon. She lives in Beitar, Israel.

Rabbi Zechariah Kaplan

Rabbi Zechariah Kaplan is a passionate teacher and firm believer that every student has the potential for greatness. Rabbi Kaplan has been intensely involved in Jewish education for over the past 15 years, constantly striving to perfect the science of “learning how to learn.” Being that every student is unique and deserves a special approach tailored to them, Rabbi Kaplan has spent years researching and collating principles in Tanach, Mishna, Talmud, and Halacha as well as logic, language, memory retention, and human psychology in order to serve as a helpful resource for all students regardless of age or ability. Rabbi Kaplan is currently involved in learning and teaching at numerous Torah institutions, heads a special Halacha/Semicha Training Program for laymen, and also loves writing, helping other rabbis in publishing their works as well as working on many of his own projects. Rabbi Kaplan is honored to now join Naaleh in its special mission to spread Torah to the next generation.

Rabbi Adam Litwin

Rabbi Adam Litwin was born in 1976 in El Paso, Texas (yes, you read that correctly). In 2003 he moved to Israel where he began learning at Yeshivas Bircas Hatorah and fell in love with learning Torah. Along the way he married Michal Litwin and now has 6 beautiful young children (including 2 year old twins). In 2012 Adam completed Ohr Lagola, earning him smicha (rabbinical ordination) from Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, and a teachers certificate from the Israel Ministry of Education. Adam has 10 years experience teaching Torah and outreach, as well as 3 years working in special education. Adam currently learns part time at Yeshivas Bircas Hatorah, and works part time teaching Torah to observant and non-observant Jews.

Rabbi Shmuel Lowy

Rabbi Shmuel Lowy is highly experienced in Chumash, Gemorah and Halacha, and Hashguffa/Mussar, has counselled and helped his students with personal growth through Torah, and has been successful in developing relationships through tutoring beyond the years of teaching. Rav Lowy says, I was very athletic before becoming observant at 27 years old by R.Brog in Tels. I am very worldly, care very much to help others grow, and stick up for the little guy. I have been learning and teaching Torah for over 25 years.

Bracha Reis

Bracha Reis has a Masters in Special Education. She has taught both elementary and secondary school for over 15 years. She currently lives in Ramat Beit Shemesh.

Boruch Rizel

Boruch Rizel has been teaching Torah and Jewish History since 2012. He spent many years at Ohr Somayach in Jerusalem, where he completed the Mechina and Derech programs. He graduated from Excelsior University and has a TESOL certificate from the International Open Academy. He has been living in Jerusalem since 2014.

Rabbi Moshe Dovid Rosanel

Rabbi Moshe Dovid Rosanel enjoys and has much experience learning one-on-one with Yeshiva students and baalei teshuva, developing their Torah and Gemara skills using structured methods to explain the logical components of the text, while helping them develop Hebrew and Aramaic language skills. Mentoring and supporting them with any emotional and life issues that arise is also an important part of his role. Languages: Can speak, read and write English, French and Hebrew (Yiddish to a lesser extent). Music: Plays the Keyboard, Guitar and Accordion, amongst other musical instruments.

Rabbi Naftali Shatzkes

Naftali Shatzkes has been tutoring for 20 years in Mercaz Hatorah, Ner Yaakov, Tiferes Chaim, Mir, Ohr Sameach and Aderes Hatorah.

Riva Sperling

Riva Sperling has been teaching Torah in Jerusalem for the last 30 years. Her areas of expertise are Chumash, Tenach, Women in Tenach and Hebrew language. She focuses on building text skills, to enable students to learn on their own. She is originally from Sydney, Australia, where she gained a B.A. in Linguistics. She also has an English-teaching certificate from Michlalah in Jerusalem. Riva has taught at a number of seminaries in Israel, such as Nishmat and Shearim College for Women. Her approach is interactive and animated, emphasizing love of Torah, Am Yisra'el and Eretz Yisra'el.

Rabbi Doniel Tisser

Rabbi Doniel Tisser, a Torah teacher licensed by Torah Umesorah, has been learning with students aged 6-60 for over twenty years. He has helped many to gain the skills they need to learn on their own. He has facilitated the success of students dealing with all sorts of learning issues, and has developed techniques for overcoming challenges that range from reading difficulties to ADHD (including his own). He uses creative teaching methods such as props and mountain biking to help bring Torah to life. Rabbi Tisser enjoys learning the practical side of Torah, and he is a certified shochet and mohel. He has received Smicha from Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, Rav Reuven Feinstein shlit”a and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and now serves on beis din Chuchat Mishpat in Beit Shemesh. Make learning fun with Rabbi Tisser!

Morah Etta Winer

Morah Etta Winer has many years of experience in both tutoring and teaching. She majored in Psychology, with a concentration in Education at N.Y.U. She graduated from S.U.N.Y., Empire State College with a B.A. in Psychology. She worked as a tutor at Neve Yerushalayim, Virtual School House, ( Cleveland, Ohio), tutoring Special Needs Children and as an Assistant 1st grade teacher in Judaics Studies at Fuchs Mizrachi School. She has a lot of experience with children with behavioral challenges, ADHD and Autism. She recently made Aliya and lives in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph.

Learning Specialists

Mrs. Minky Bin-Nun

Mrs. Minky Bin-Nun has earned a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Master’s degree in Special Education. She has 18 years of experience, including teaching both on the elementary and high school levels, as well as extensive private tutoring. Before her Aliyah, she worked for the NYC Department of Education for 8 years providing special education teacher support services, and has provided teacher training and coaching as well. Mrs. Bin-Nun currently lives in Ramat Beit Shemesh with husband and children.

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Our Standards:

Naaleh Torah Tutors maintains the highest level of standards for our tutors. Each tutor is interviewed and receives a thorough review of his or her qualifications and experience. Our tutors understand and can relate to all types of kids in America and around the world.